Us vs. Them

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There are a lot of photographers out there all claiming to do the same thing, so it’s often hard to differentiate myself from others in the market. Until you take the photo, no one really knows what the photo will look like.

Recently a client called me, asking to reshoot some recent portraits that they probably weren’t thrilled with.

Here’s an example of how we differentiate ourselves.

Below is the same person, shot at the same location, by another photographer (the shot on the left). My portrait is on the right, with a white background. It probably wasn’t photographed that long after the other shot.

Years of experience in portraiture: Us vs Them

I might have charged more for a portrait, which took about the same time to photograph. But the difference is what I brought to the assignment: years of experience in lighting and lens selection to create a more dynamic portrait.

We bring this knowledge, experience and passion to every assignment.

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